
Think Aloud Research Blog

This is a joint research blog initiated by Linda Gerlach and Jamila Adeli.

We want to rethink regional orders through new infrastructures…


This is a joint research blog initiated by Linda Gerlach and Jamila Adeli. The aim of this blog is to think aloud and share some of our observations and thoughts with you.

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On translocality & scale

In focussing on LINKS - acronym for local insights and new knowledges - the concepts of locality and scale are integral to our research and thinking process. We started to tackle the local by the concept of translocality, as mobility, connectivity and exchange are key elements of our research project…by Linda Gerlach and Jamila Adeli

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Jamila Adeli
Belt and Road without “roads”?

Imagine, there is a Belt and Road Initiative, but due to war the “roads” are blocked. Imagine, that a central part of China’s “roads” turns into a blank spot on the map and the BRI lacks “roads” that are functional to allow transgression and connection of goods and cultures. by Linda Gerlach and Jamila Adeli

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Jamila Adeli